Sunday, March 18, 2012

salty dog

she's back, life is good...  back in Cedar Key

yessss. we have a boat. and we're out on the open sea.
he's busy. fish are hungry...

hey.  i'm hungry, and i can't wait for fish...give me a doggy treat

we're happy to be warm...

he's fishin'.  i'm helping. btw who's steering?

look at this island.  i want to be shipwrecked.

see?  see the palms and the mangroves?   

yes, Cap'n Rahhn.  this lagoon has my name on it.

call me Gilligan...

i smell a critter in these mangroves

yes. peaceful. serene. nature's coast of the gulf.  Glad To Be An American....and even happier to have a boat.

of course he's on the phone in paradise.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

missing 'leeen

i missed watching Clare pick fiddle ferns and making red tea...

i missed True climbing really high in the trees along the path...

i really missed chasing Sugar. her young humans would have protected her, but i could've had a good time trying...

i missed the similar shoes...
the similar hats...
i missed writing with our toes...

soccer with Unkie...

and running the beach on an early morning with the three T's...

i really don't like to miss a breakfast like this one!

and even live music...  i'm a good listener and toe tapper.                                     i missed a lot, but mostly i missed her...can't wait till summer when i get to go too!