Saturday, July 23, 2011

by the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea...

here by the sea, my gang goes swimming every day IF we reach near 70 degrees.  when we do, it's totally awesome.
our gang. what a bunch of hams...

short walk to the beach. Gita goes too.

twins for the day

and by the sea, when it's too cold to swim we still find crabs. red rock crabs.
sorry guys, we love you for all the wrong reasons

i hope he doesn't turn toward me

uh oh, he got Clare, poor Clare!  can i help???

gives new meaning to "honey, could you bring me a beer?"
30 yards, honey, you can do it. 

Tucker, the handsome seaside neighbor, is larger than life and i have to hide under things to keep him from accidentally stomping me. he's only playing, but his feet are as big as my head. and we both want to play. 'leeeen had to rescue me and carry me home yelping, but i'll go back for more.
you have to admit he's cute
uh oh. he has that gleam in his eye... come on, big boy

uncle! uncle! UncleTucker! stop!!!


and lately by the sea it's all about the boat. i got the girls to buff and shine a bit, and if the boys will just get it running properly, we'll go island hopping! 

1976 Sea Ray, 26 feet of project.  but no worries, mate. i'm in charge.

and i'm popular with the workers too

when they're not looking, i practice. i'll totally wow them one day...

let's see.  there would be water all around, but i'd stay to the center, wait for the breeze, the wave, yesss i can do this
Dude. i'd catch air, i am ready. if they would take this leash off i could show them a thing or two....

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