Saturday, May 12, 2012

the thing is, you should always get a second opinion.  i have learned this from my peeps. we went to Dr. Hop-Along and she gave us her second opinion , and more importantly, she gave me a goody bag when i left. 

 BTW i did give the radiologist a run for her money. she had this heavy lead apron on, and boy, that's a dog advantage if i ever saw one.  i took off through that open door and she was slower than molasses in January (in Illinois) and she couldn't move nearly fast enough so Off I Took.  Through the lab, through the x-ray room, out beyond the consultation room.  it was awesome.  i had vets, radiologists, and receptionists (all so cute) chasing me...  sort of like a cartoon of a dog at a vet's office.  but wait!

not only do they have a different approach (including an antibiotic which means EGGS every morning for me.... but they also want to do the Big Shot sooner, and whatever...  the important thing is:  they don't just send you home with vaccinations and antibiotics and another $250 bill.  they send you home with a TREAT BAG.  well.  have you ever...   Oh My Dog this is awesome.  the bag was loaded.  i mean loaded with crunchies, softies, chewies, bonies, u name it.  it was the most fantastic present ever.  who cares if they want to poison me and my worms some day next month.  the most important this is:  TREATS!  the likes of which i have never seen.  oh yeah, there was that toothbrush thing included, but other than that... wow.  Dr. Hop-Along is my kind of Vet.

so.  after the vet thing was settled, according to the humans anyway, onward to the spa day.  i thought i looked terrific, but this Florida sun and heat and Dr. Hop-Along calling me "scruffy" sent my peeps into overdrive and they heard (from Connie) that there was a groomer nearby who would tame my tresses for small money.  ok.
all righty then. whatever you say. i look fine to me, but if you want a poodle-like artificial bulimic looking terrier then, there you go.

shaved.  i should go to Argentina.
the new me. ready for the beach. or anything else.
i am proud.  i am ready.  Dr. Hop-Along says she'll have me back for the Real Deal in two weeks. i'm on antibiotics and i don't like them much, but soon, very soon, they'll shoot me in the lower back with OUCH
and i'll be sedated, and they'll send me home with pain pills, and at least i look pretty spiffy. for a mutt.  wish me luck....

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