Tuesday, October 25, 2011

leaving Branson, going south

ok, Rahhhn. i'm ready.  anywhere at all

the joys of the open road...

 Branson for almost a week, and though the State Park had great walking trails and a nice lake to look at (Table Rock), we were waking up to 30 degree mornings.  south, please.  i don't like that pink sweater they make me wear.

fall color
 it's what they call "hills and hollers"

nice Arkansas scenery...
 no hill for a climber
river of rock?

and the happiest captain Rahhhn

lots of oooh's and ahhh's from the human gallery

ok, i get it, it's a beautiful state...


they call it "the natural state..." for good reason and wouldn't you think my peeps would wash the windows?

time out. enough scenery already!
 so after a few hours, i said Hours, of swaying and rotating and lumbering along, listening to all that raving about Scenery... i couldn't take anymore.  no dogs, no scents to track, just "fall color" whatever that is...
but at last we stopped.  i was ready, standing by the step, willing to wear whatever contraption they decide will tame me, and please, Higher Power, let me feel the earth under my feet.

landing at last, at Hot Springs National Park camp ground. Now we're talking! 

no fish, just my reflection.

meeting Rangers is always nice. this lady was cute and had a lovely accent,
and she liked me quite a lot, but time to go.
at last. solid ground. other dogs nearby (there is a law that peeps traveling in coaches or fifth wheelers must have a dog--preferably a lap dog). i can pull them up the hill across the creek. it's a sheer rock face, but only .8 miles.  i can do it.  i've been practicing.  if they would lose a little weight i could pull them up that wonderful trail. i'm a rock solid 12 pounds. i pull as hard as i can, and with a good wind i can bring them across the road before they weigh me down.
Home Sweet Home, they've opened the basement doors so they are serious!
see my red dog house at the rear?  see me?  Rahhhn parked me near a fire ant colony and oops he received the brunt of the placement.  yikes. two bites on his right hand. this happened once before (in Florida) and it's notsogood. he seems to be allergic to fire ants. of course, isn't everybody?  those suckers are ruthless. a little benadryl and time out and he'll probably be fine.  at least we're on solid ground and we live in a beautiful park, and we'll just see what happens next...

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