Monday, June 13, 2011

boy howdy eastern washington at last

 the Fourth of July Pass in idaho's panhandle should get some kind of award for being so exciting--at least for one of us. we tilted, swayed, crawled up, barreled down, swished around hairpin turns, and stared down into endless caverns of christmas trees.


crawled up

barreled down

swished around
caverns of christmas trees

hairpin curves

i did my best to keep the backseat passenger calm and distracted. but 'leeen credited the lilacs on the dashboard. at last when we reached Lake Coeur d' Alene we settled down. they finally started exclaiming (in a happy way) about the spectacular scenery.


 things got downright placid as we trucked along toward Moses Lake. the wheat straw is ready to be baled and makes these cool stripes in the fields. and the walla walla sweet onions are crowded and almost ready for market.


we holed up at an rv site between I-90 and the big lake, took advantage of modern conveniences like laundry and hot showers.  they took off and had an unforgettably great Mexican dinner (and no pollo mexicana for me). 

off to Ellensburg tomorrow. they say i'm meeting my first horse at a river camp. we'll see about that...


  1. Welcome to Washington! We'll do some fishing when you arrive.

  2. Glad your almost to your destination the scenery looks fabulous! Tell Leen and Ahhn that my parents got a cool envelope from them but they wont let us see it until the fun people next door get here! Save riding Tibbs! And to your people too!
